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Gaurav Manuja - Best Criminal Lawyer in Delhi India

Gaurav Manuja one of the top most criminal expert lawyer in Delhi who has not only handled variety of criminal cases but also lead to a reform for ensuring the rights of the litigants in a criminal proceeding as justice shall prevail You know what are the common challenges during the trial of a criminal proceeding what consequences one has to suffer in a criminal trial a criminal trial in India is not a easy trial is usually a very tough to establish the evidence against any accused as in India there are so many hurdles police investigation delay in filing charge sheet delay in conducting investigation main lead to actual of the accused underlining the most important fact of a criminal lawyer criminal law is based on a criminal procedure taking bonds to prevent breaches of the peace in the history it shows that the executive who has to surrender its power to any Judicial review was cuddle to leave from my executive description not permitting illegal detention extra precautionary measure for permitting any preventive detention and expansion of local rowdies in India award with separate criminals identification

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Key Stages in a Criminal Case

Filing of First Information Report: This is the most important and the first stage of any criminal offences as the filing of FIR First Information Report is regarding the information of the offences which has been reported in writing to the police important part of any criminal offence as when you are filing any FIR you have to see what are the cognizable offenses and what are non-cognizable offences do mistake they usually don't write proper FIR then the registration of FIR is delayed by the police and one has to check if there are cognizable offences then it is the duty of the police officer to register the FIR in accordance with law with proper penal section in the FIR like there is no cognizable offence may not register the FIR and also file a closer report of that complaint but nowadays it has been seen police casual wear they check whether the offences are genuine or not investigate the complaint with the proper evidence available and then they file an FIR.

Investigation in FIR : After filing and registration of FIR First Information Report police starts their investigation and collect evidences against the crime which has been committed in the set FIR as investigation plays a very crucial role in a conviction of accused when police do their diligence and file their proper evidences take all measures to corroborate b FIR and evidences which leads to conviction as investigation in India is not done at a proper level lack of police knowing the facts pressure of complaints pressure of other interference by the seniors and coats also leads investigation delays during the investigation most of the accused parties file squasting petition before High Court investigation also delays taking the current scenario investigation by officers must be completed within 90 days of the filing of investigation leads to whether the accused committed the crying or it is believed that it is innocent the police is doing the investigation as per the law in a criminal proceeding as the major question which has been post that the order of further investigation after taking any cognizable chart sheet file was the police is to be set and what to be set on what stage of a criminal proceeding as magistrate cannot interfere investigation magistrate can order direction for investigation various quotes in India state it the procedures adopted in criminal tiles it might be right just and fair and not arbitrary fancy full Or oppressive.

Arrest by police in FIR: as I asked by police in an FIR depends on what the offences mentioned in the FIR whether it is cognisable or non-cognisable if the offences are cognisable and punishable with 7 years of imprisonment then the police must give 41 a notice to the accused Party before Before any arrest of an accused person in offence which is punishable under the above mentioned period and the offences in which the funny visible in prisonment is above 7 years then fully scan directly arrest the accused as police requires to collect and seize the evidences for filing of charge sheet against the quiz person in certain cases it has been seen police don't trust in either of the above mention cases as arrest is exception and bill is rule this is always whether it is high court or Supreme Court of India usually when the accused person don't Cooperative investigation there are apprehensions of tempering any evidence during the course of Investigation or there are apprehension that the accused party may influence these witnesses involved in the FIR in this circumstances the accused and also don't have many ground for taking police custody the primary ground of taking police custody is to make the investigation without any Delay in filing chart sheet.

Filing of charge sheet: After conducting an investigation and arrest of the abused person mentioned in the FIR police have to file a charge sheet within 90 days after the registration of the FIR conducting a proper investigation and collecting proper evidence against the accused mentioned in the FIR as charchit depends on what offenses have been proved by the police in the investigation and the evidence is which speaks themselves again if the charge sheet has been file with proper evidence it will need to a conviction and if the charge sheet is not file with the proper evidence and I mastication in the FIR.

Framing of charges: After the filing of the chart sheet comes the framing of charges in the magistrate Court as the charges which has to be framed depend on what charge sheet has been filed by the police then the magistrate will take cognizance of the charge sheet and frame the charges and accordingly charges shall be frame engage the accused person in the said FIR

Stage 6: Examination of Witness The trial of witnesses is the most important part of getting the final judgment. In this process, witnesses come to the court, and defense counsels ask them questions to prove the accused guilty. They cross-examine everything with the evidence and take the case forward. Our top layers will ensure that they gather all the facts and figures during this examination and submit their supporting argument to turn the case in favor of their clients.

Stage 7: Cross Examination of Complaints in a Trial In the next stage, criminal lawyers also cross-examine the point brought by the defense and try to validate the argument in support of the accused person. Thus, both the defense and prosecution present their arguments and evidence in front of the court, pleading for the final judgment.

Stage 8: Final Judgment and Appeal At the end of this, the honorable judge makes the final decision. The judge thoroughly examines the evidence and arguments and moves to the final judgment. If anyone in the case finds the judgment is not right, they can appeal for a revision if it applies to the particular type of the case. Our lawyers will guide the clients, be they accused or the complainant, to the higher court of law and represent them to ensure they get the outcome they are looking for.

How to select the best criminal defense attorney while hiring?

When you are choosing the best criminal lawyer to defend you in a criminal matter then you have to decide with the experience of a lawyer and how the concerned lawyer defended in other matters as Manuja Legal is one of the top reliable defense lawyer advocates who represents their client with updated legal research updated judgments and they quantify the legal aptitude towards the legal proceedings in a criminal case.

Who are the best criminal lawyers in Delhi?

When selecting the best criminal lawyer then one has to see the legal expertise of the lawyer as defending in a criminal justice system is very crucial to get the evidence documentary available of witnesses in a criminal trial is one of the best criminal law firms not in Delhi but also India Gaurav Manuja is one of the best criminal law expert has handled numerous criminal matter whether it belongs to a particular criminal trial. Gaurav Manuja Hai Central criminal trial with his legal expert with comprehensive legal knowledge with a variety of practices in district court High Court and Supreme Court research in criminal litigation make same the best criminal lawyer in Delhi he also engages senior advocates who are the top best criminal lawyers in India when required by the clients he also provide protection under the law and legal compliance to avoid any harassment by the police by getting stay orders stay orders from high courts so that his client Can get easy legal justice without any prejudice and any harassment.

What are a criminal lawyer's fees?

The fees of a criminal lawyer depend on his legal expertise the time it spends on the case and the requirements of the case as of now there are no dedicated fees for any criminal lawyer but usually independent of the case and the working area including the research work and how the trial will initiate how to get the effective results in the criminal case as there are so many chances when the police have not done any effective investigation in the matter, in that case, criminal lawyer fees may increase as it includes filing of red petitions before High Court for getting the investigation done properly as of now for a criminal trial the basic fees start from 50000 and it goes in lakhs and for filing a quashing petition in High Court it depends what the nature of the writ petition is and what is the prayer in the writ for quashing petition when done compromise it is 25000 to 50000 but when it is filed on merits the fees goes to 1 to 5 lakhs per petition.


Legal approach and practice for a defense lawyer is known for his legal expertise in criminal law in a nutshell Gaurav Manuja is one of the best criminal lawyer in Delhi with his legal expertise providing legal assistance:

  • We provide assistance to file police complaints for a station of FIR and criminal complaint under CrPC and IPC.
  • we assist in getting anticipatory bail Before sessions and high courts
  • we also provide services related to regular bail under sections 437 and 439 of CRPC
  • we are in experts in filing washing of FIRs staying the criminal procedure before a high court under section 482 CRPC
  • we also defend our client in 138 complaints of n i act before a magistrate
  • The main strategy involves the basic legal strategy considering everything with one of the best legal minds representing clients.
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